"Browsing" the web is certainly different from reading a book, and so browsing the web would seem to be a long way from actually composing. However, tabbed browsing can accelerate your browsing into percussive activity that can lead to writing, if you let wiki into your plan. Because, once you get rrrrrrollllllin' with tabbed browsing, you're ready to roll on into the wiki, where you can click the "edit" button or "new page" button. Go ahead, open up a wiki window, to the infinite! Do this--slow down, and write it down. Dissolve all this tabbed energy. Just place your cursor on the wiki and type a little bit about all you've seen and heard and felt on your journey. Sustainable composition practice depends on tabbed browsing, folks, so before you experiment with the online tools and resources listed on this page, and before you go any further in your wiki itinerary, be certain to install Firefox and familiarize yourself with tabbed browsing. Grab yer cheatsheet, add your addons!
mechanics and style
Firefox Addons
Open Office and Neo Office - free open source software that replaces Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc.
koffice also like Microsoft Word, but free
Craig Waddell's free prose mechanics this free grammar guide and style manual covers the basics
Elements of Style, a classic
nonlinear adding machine got writer's block? Chisel it up, find your "un-voice"
Widget Library! this "scriptorium" shares (java) scripts for making our wiki sizzle. F'shizzle!
Textism quick textile html converter. Very cool!
free expertise the official pbwiki community forum
zamzar free online file format conversion
zoho free online (no downloading necessary) word processing, spreadsheets, and more
pandora the "music genome project"
Freesound- just what it says...and so much more. Tab out a sound, play, play, play
soundtransit collaborative online field recording and phonography
CCMixter a place to share and remix sonic productions.
Audacity - free and open source multi-platform audio editing and recording software. Great for making compressed (i.e. podcast-able) .ogg and .mp3 files.
legaltorrents creative Commons-licensed, legally downloadable, freely distributable creator-approved music, movies, and books. Explore the issues on a tight budget.
Odeo and podomatic - it's so easy to host podcasts at these sites.
phlow magazine freeculture! a hub for netlabels, netaudio artists, mp3s galore
jahtari streaming mixtapes
compose with images
a periodic table of visualization methods
You Tube There's also Medicine Films. Free video upload--once uploaded, videos can be embedded on this wiki.
The GIMP - free and open source graphics editing software.
Grokking the GIMP - free online GIMP user's manual.
Cascading Style Sheets by John Monroe for ENC 3310. John's CSS example and tutorial will help you work with colors and codes here in 1101, too!
Rhetoric and Composition a wikibook to help you hack freshman composition.
Green Maven search the "green web"
kartoo visual meta-search engine
Aristotle's Rhetoric
Silva Rhetoricae the forest of rhetoric
TV Tropes Wiki amazing tool for twisting, turning, tweaking, and otherwise patterning language.
jyte claim-tester
composing in common...
The Creative Commons - Learn about how to share and protect your compositions. Shareable images, books, sounds, software, and more
filedropper store files, link them to the wiki
RSSinclude mix your own rss feeds into this wiki
tiddlywiki free wiki composing tool
From tabbing to tagging: TagSearch. Find and make patterns, in wiki, using brief descriptions, or "tags."
Unblock sites
How to... instruction and revelation
Instructables how to collaborate...
the Public Library of Science
Nelson Poynter Memorial Library USFSP Library
slashdot + digg = slashdigg!
scanning availability
web 2.0
Jing capture images, store video, share online
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