The USFSP Coalition for a Sustainable Campus group will focus on establishing and maintaining sustainable information practices/infrastructure for IEES:
Electronic communication tools
Year 1:
facilitate the sharing of information with wiki, flickr, facebook, an IEES and twitter profiles, youtube playlists featuring IEES workshops and faqs, discussion forums in sakai or other open source alternative to blackboard.
Electronic conferencing tools
facilitate interactive information exchange within IEES, between IEES and the larger USFSP community, and between IEES and the local communities of St. Petersburg.
Year 1:
instant messaging
year 3:
data conferencing
application sharing via server
year 5:
virtual network computing (VNC) and electronic meeting system (EMS) for meetings in the IEES center, perhaps test at Weedon Island as well.
Collaborative management tools
use common tools to coordinate and manage IEES activities:
Year 1: google calendar, 30boxes or other time management software
Year 3: IEES project management module in place
By Year 5: IEES server-hosted knowledge management and workflow system in place.
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