Gabriel Horn Lecture

USFSP Honors Program presents






Presentation by


Gabriel Horn (White Deer of Autumn)




Amy Krout-Horn




Wednesday, Nov. 12


2:00 p.m.


Davis Hall, Room 130




Gabriel Horn (White Deer of Autumn) is currently a college professor in writing and literature. He was one of the original teachers who helped establish the American Indian Movement Survival Schools in Minnesota. A prolific writer, his books are well known and loved. In addition to children’s books, Horn has authored for adults Native Heart, Contemplations of a Primal Mind, and The Book of Ceremonies.


Amy Krout-Horn became proficient in the Dakota language, and worked as the first blind teaching assistant at the University of Minnesota’s American Studies program. Her Dakota mentor gave her the traditional name Oieihake Win (Last Word Woman). Her current book is My Father’s Blood.


For information, call the USFSP Honors Program: (727) 873-4872.